Thursday, December 2, 2010

2011 Successes

In the last 2 books that I have read: Mike Dooley's Manifesting Change, it couldn't be easier and Dr. Joseph Murphy's book, Maximize your Potential through the Power of your Subconscious Mind to Create Wealth & Success: book 2. I found that the concepts in both books of manifestations are basically the same.

First and foremost - it's really all about being connected to your spiritual resource, (Infinite Intelligence, Source, Universe or God). It's about co-creating your experience by feeling and experiencing that connection. Spend time each day praying, meditating, and giving thanks. It's this pure unconditionally loving connection that allows us access to the higher vibrations that creates and manifests.

Secondly, start with the end result in mind. Think about what it's like to have what you want, what does your life look and feel like by accomplishing your goal? Don't think about the HOW concentrate on the NOW. Experience the feeling of having it now and let the Universe do the rest. I once read that Wayne Dyer makes the jacket cover of his new book even before he starts to write it, so he sees the end result through the creative process.

Lastly and most importantly...MOVE and TAKE ACTION in the direction of your goals. Pick up the phone, go out and meet people, talk about what you do, get on the social media sites and connect with other like-minded individuals. The 'Secret' is an excellent pre-view to the Law of Attraction but I think it misses a key element....MOVE and TAKE ACTION. I'd like to be clear - it's NOT about controlling the process, it's about taking the steps to move you toward the direction of your goal. It's letting the Universe know that you are serious about what you want and then it'll meet you more than half way.

Today. I wrote out "2011 Successes" in my journal as if everything has already happened. Here are a few items that I wrote down:

2011 Successes

I have my own radio show, this show is a success, it has a strong following each time I broadcast. I am grateful for the following special guests that graced my show throughout the year: Michael Neill, Gregg Braden, Sylvia Browne, Deepak Chopra, Mike Dooley, and the many others who participated.

I travelled internationally to conduct workshops, healings, and lectures and I got paid well.

Places I visited for business and pleasure this year: Hong Kong, Geneva Switzerland (3x), London, Italy, Fuji, Cyprus, Spain, India, and Africa.

I was invited to participate in a Hay House "I Can Do It Cruise". The response was so well received that they have asked me to come back again next year.

At the end of the list I wrote: Through the grace of God this has all come to pass and these blessings continue to be present in my life. Thank you Lord for all these blessings. With you, through you, for you, anything is possible. Blessed be.

Take a moment now....breathe deeply and let it out with a sigh...feel yourself grounded to the earth's energy, balanced, and connected to your spiritual resource. Write your list of 2011 Successes as if they have already happened, write out as much detail as possible about what it felt like to accomplish each goal, how had your life changed with those remarkable events? What was the positive reaction of the people in your life? Spend sometime reading them over. Allow yourself to experience those feelings of accomplishment now.

What are the first steps you need to take to move towards those goals? Write them down. Take those first steps.

Now let go of the how and allow.

Have a blessed, joy-filled, successful 2011, filled with Love, Light, Grace, Blessings, and Prosperity.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Definitely something we should all do!
