Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring Cleaning

"...Your past history does not need to own you. You are free." Quote from Steve Chandler's book, Shift your Mind, Shift The World.

As I'm in the thick of spring cleaning: drawers, closets, and cabinets going through what to discard and donate - a surprisingly meditative process. I'm thinking about the stories that could use some 'Spring Cleaning'. Stories that were created around events that happened during my childhood - or later. I started deciding which stories could be re-written, edited, or just plain deleted.

Reflecting back to this past summer while I was visiting a dear friend of mine and her family. When prompted, I remember automatically retelling her a story of something that happened over 30 years ago. Looking back, the story no longer fit who I am today. I have grown up, matured and my viewpoint of life has shifted into a more tolerant, forgiving one.

I find myself, like the Hawk flying high above, looking at the bigger picture. Seeing opportunities for growth, development and life lessons.

Which stories of yours need "Spring Cleaning"? Which one can be re-written, edited, or deleted? Be like the Hawk, step back look at the bigger picture. Free yourself from the encumbered scenarios.

Allow yourself to be free.


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