Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Joy filled or Miserable?

While I was driving to my office to meet clients yesterday. I had a thought. God, created us and everything around us. Then I thought. Well, why? So we can create. Then I thought...God didn't create us to be miserable, fearful or guilty. God created us to be joyful, abundant, and loving. He created us to be connected to him and everyone and everything. It is *man that is making man miserable and it's man making themselves miserable. Look at the news - it perpetuates fear. Listen to how people talk. Are they speaking of joy, appreciation and happiness, or fear and misery? Every new day you have an opportunity to make a decision to what kind of a day you will create: will you decide to feed into the misery track that is being handed to us by the media, news agencies, and the negative talkers or will you decide to be happy, connected and joy filled? What kind of a day are you going to create today?

Remember...seconds become minutes, minutes become hours, hours become days, days become months, months become years. Every second counts. What are you creating at this very second?

*man is being used as a general term for the whole human race in this text.

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