Friday, January 6, 2012

New Vibrations

What if all the advanced civilizations that lived centuries before didn't really disappear - instead they are just vibrating at a different frequency?

Can't you feel the shift in energy? There is a struggle between the old energy and the new that is breaking through (notice I didn't say trying to break through).

This is a New Year.

Start of each day with New Vibrations. Just before you awake, and through out your day try this simple and easy meditation:

Sit in a comfortable position & take a deep breath, imagine a soft golden light entering the top of your head. Allow this loving, healing soft light to go from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Clearing, healing, and energizing - from your skin to all the cells in your body. Ask that everything and anything that no longer serves your highest path and purpose be dissolved in this light. Allow the light to clear, heal and energize your aura, and ask it to stay close to you and protect you. Only allowing positive energy to enter and anything that doesn't serve your highest path and purpose to bounce off the light.

Take a deep breath open your eyes and continue on with your day.

If you like - set the intention to be a beacon for this new vibration and light.

Be blessed.